Contratos recentes em que o fornecedor Distribuidora Marítima Petrogás S.L.U é mencionado
2014-12-24Service contracts for standby oil spill recovery vessel(s) (European Maritime Safety Agency)
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) was tasked to 'work with the Member States to support on request with additional means, in a cost efficient way, the pollution response actions in case of pollution caused by ships as well as marine pollution caused by oil and gas installations' (Article 2(3)d of Regulation 1406/2002/EC as amended).
EMSA's action plan for oil pollution preparedness and response (2004), as well as the action plan for response to marine pollution from oil and gas installations …
Ver o concurso » Fornecedores mencionados:Distribuidora Marítima Petrogás S.L.UStena Oil A.B.