Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services to bridge innovative downstream Earth observation and copernicus enabled services for integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security
The aim of Marine-EO procurement is to develop, test and validate a bundle of innovative EO downstream services bringing incremental or radical innovations in the field of maritime awareness leveraging on the existing Copernicus services (i.e. CMEMS, Security) and other products from the Copernicus portfolio. In addition, a series of “support” services will standardize the way that EO is used for maritime awareness with regards to operational, technological, semantic and legal interoperability issues. The Marine-EO procurement seeks to cover the sea-basins of Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Arctic, by adapting Copernicus data and information in order to meet the demand of the buyers group. The innovative EO downstream services are divided in 2 thematic areas:
(i) Thematic Area 1: copernicus marine environment monitoring and climate change (SATOCEAN service);
(ii) Thematic Area 2: copernicus security (satsurveillance service).
Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2018-04-09.
O concurso foi publicado em 2018-02-01.
Informações complementares (2018-03-02) Entidade adjudicante Nome e endereços
Nome: Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM)
Número de registo nacional: PT600084795
Endereço postal: Rua Alfredo Magalhães Ramalho, 6
Cidade postal: Lisbon
Código postal: 1495-006
País: Portugal 🇵🇹
Pessoa de contacto: Sandra Silva
Telefone: +35 1218291001📞
Correio electrónico:📧
Região: Área Metropolitana de Lisboa🏙️
Endereço do perfil de comprador:🌏
Entidade adjudicante (adicional)
Nome: Ministerio del interior (GUCI)
Número de registo nacional: ESS2816003D
Endereço postal: Calle Guzmán el Bueno 110
Cidade postal: Madrid
Entidade adjudicante (adicional)
Endereço do perfil de comprador:🌏
Nome: Hellenic centre for marine research (HCMR)
Número de registo nacional: EL999355106
Endereço postal: Leoforos Athens Sounio, 46,7km
Cidade postal: Anavyssos Attiki
Entidade adjudicante (adicional)
Endereço do perfil de comprador:🌏
Nome: Fundo regional para a ciencia e tecnologia (FRCT)
Número de registo nacional: PT 512069794
Endereço postal: Rua do Mercado, 21
Cidade postal: Ponta Delgada
Objecto Âmbito do concurso
“Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services to bridge innovative downstream earth observation and Copernicus enabled services for integrated...”
Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services to bridge innovative downstream earth observation and Copernicus enabled services for integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security
The aim of Marine-EO procurement is to develop, test and validate a bundle of innovative EO downstream services bringing incremental or radical innovations in the field of maritime awareness leveraging on the existing Copernicus Services (i.e. CMEMS, Security) and other products from the Copernicus portfolio. In addition, a series of “support” services will standardize the way that EO is used for maritime awareness with regards to operational, technological, semantic and legal interoperability issues. The Marine-EO procurement seeks to cover the sea-basins of Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Arctic, by adapting Copernicus data and information in order to meet the demand of the buyers group. The innovative EO downstream services are divided in two thematic areas:
i— thematic area 1: Copernicus marine environment monitoring and climate change (Satocean service),
ii— thematic area 2: Copernicus security (Satsurveillance service).
Informações complementares Referência do anúncio original
Número do aviso no JO S: 2018/S 024-051012
Alterações Texto a rectificar no anúncio inicial
Número da secção: IV.2.7
Valor antigo
Data: 2018-05-10 📅
Tempo: 12:00
Novo valor
Data: 2018-04-10 📅
Tempo: 12:00
Fonte: OJS 2018/S 045-099208 (2018-03-02)