Provision of services for graphic design, layout, printing and related services

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

The EMCDDA was established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 302/93 of 8.2.1993 and it is one of the EU's decentralised agencies.
The EMCDDA is the central source and confirmed authority on drug-related issues in Europe. For over 20 years, it has been collecting, analysing and disseminating scientifically sound information on drugs and drug addiction and their consequences, providing its audiences with an evidence-based picture of the drug phenomenon at European level. The EMCDDA's publications are a prime source of information for a wide range of audiences including: policymakers and their advisors; professionals and researchers working in the drugs field; and, more broadly, the media and general public. More information about the agency and its structure and activities can be found on the EMCDDA website
The agency produces a range of publications, such as statutory reports, scientific reports, EMCDDA papers, insights, meeting reports, brochures and leaflets, made available in different formats: PDF, paper, ePub, HTML. All publications are available from the website
In 2013, the new corporate identity was launched and for the majority of publications the layout is specified and the templates exist. However, bearing in mind changing communication means and channels, and the development of new products, a need might arise to produce templates for new products.

Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2016-03-18. O concurso foi publicado em 2016-02-05.

Os seguintes fornecedores são mencionados nas decisões de adjudicação ou noutros documentos de contratação:

O quê?

Histórico de aquisições
Data Documento
2016-02-05 Anúncio de concurso
2016-08-04 Anúncio de adjudicação