Provision of housing/hosting services for a business continuity data centre

European Maritime Safety Agency

The purpose of this procurement is to establish an acquisition channel for the housing (co-location) of the EMSA business continuity facility, preferably according to the following requisites: within a minimum of 150 km and a maximum of 600 km from EMSA's Lisbon facilities, not located in the same seismic-sensitive area as the primary site, in order to avoid tsunamis it shouldn't be placed on the coast of the ocean since the primary site is already located near the coast of an ocean, and it should be placed at a level that allows flood prevention.
This framework service contract shall enable EMSA to acquire housing services, cloud services if available, and call on consultancy services relating to the move, set-up of the EMSA BCF and its network connectivity in the contractor's premises, and support of that equipment. This includes not only the proper set-up of the EMSA business continuity facility in the contractor's premises, but also all related services like network connectivity (both to the public Internet, and to the EMSA DC); on-demand 'remote hands' services, transport service to relocate the EMSA BCF; access and facilities for EMSA staff to execute recovery procedures from the contractor's premises in case of need; 24/7 coverage for the mentioned services as detailed below.

Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2014-01-17. O concurso foi publicado em 2013-11-22.

Os seguintes fornecedores são mencionados nas decisões de adjudicação ou noutros documentos de contratação:

O quê?

Histórico de aquisições
Data Documento
2013-11-22 Anúncio de concurso
2014-06-30 Anúncio de adjudicação