General communication and publication services

European Maritime Safety Agency

Procurement procedure EMSA/OP/19/2013 comprises a series of communications and publications services — divided into 3 specific lots — to support the European Maritime Safety Agency in carrying out its external and internal communication activities. The Agency intends to conclude a 4-year framework contract for each of the lots 1 to 3. Work to be carried out under the framework contracts EMSA/OP/19/2013 (lots 1, 2 and 3) will typically require short projects subject to an order form or specific contract, e.g. for the printing of a brochure or delivery of branded corporate gifts.

Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2014-01-27. O concurso foi publicado em 2013-12-04.

Os seguintes fornecedores são mencionados nas decisões de adjudicação ou noutros documentos de contratação:

O quê?

Histórico de aquisições
Data Documento
2013-12-04 Anúncio de concurso
2014-05-23 Anúncio de adjudicação