Service contracts for standby oil spill recovery vessel(s)

European Maritime Safety Agency

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) was tasked in April 2004 to 'support on request with additional means, in a cost-efficient way, the pollution response mechanisms of Member States' (Art. 2(c)(iii) of Regulation 1406/2002/EC as amended).
EMSA's action plan for oil pollution preparedness and response (2004) as updated by the annual work programmes of the Agency identify how to implement this task. These documents are available on the Agency's website: under 'EMSA Documents'.
The primary objective of the standby oil spill response vessel service is to protect the coastlines of EU Member States. This in accordance with Regulation 724/2004/EC amending Regulation 1406/2002/EC.

Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2012-03-16. O concurso foi publicado em 2012-01-19.

Os seguintes fornecedores são mencionados nas decisões de adjudicação ou noutros documentos de contratação:

O quê?

Histórico de aquisições
Data Documento
2012-01-19 Anúncio de concurso
2012-11-14 Anúncio de adjudicação