CT.12.ADM.050.1.0 — provision of an upgrade of the EMCDDA meeting support facilities
The objective of this tender is to procure services, equipment and works required by the EMCDDA meeting support facilities upgrade programme. This call for tender is subdivided into 2 lots, in order to allow different contractors to compete in their areas of speciality. Candidates can apply for 1 or both lots indifferently.
The contract relates to the physical upgrade of the meeting room CDS 107 of the EMCDDA main building at Cais do Sodré, Lisbon, as well as the delivery and installation of 2 audio systems. One audio system needs to be installed in room CDS 107 of the EMCDDA main building and the other one audio system needs to be installed in room PAL 102 of the nearby Palacete Relogio building at Cais do Sodré, Lisbon. The cabling works and the required wiring for the audio system for room 102 is pre-installed.
Prazo de entrega
O prazo para a recepção das propostas era 2012-07-18.
O concurso foi publicado em 2012-05-31.
O quê?
Histórico de aquisições
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Anúncio de concurso